Meet the Artist
Jean has had a passion for drawing since she could hold a pencil, and by her teens was specializing in portraiture. Although a person of deep faith, Jean initially had no interest in doing drawings with religious themes.
Then, in 1991, Jean was overwhelmed with shock and prolonged grief after hearing news of the violent, senseless death of a young child. One night, while fervently praying for the child’s family, her heartache melted away as she visualized that same child smiling brightly in the loving arms of the Savior. Sadness gave way to peace- “the peace that passeth understanding.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
Following that experience Jean noticed that most artwork of Jesus with children lacked the happiness she had seen in her mind that night. She was inspired to recreate it on paper. Four years later she drew the image titled, “Laughing Baby.”
Friends and family who saw the drawing were moved by the joyful interaction between Savior and child, and they encouraged Jean to share it with the world. Doubtful at first, Jean began marketing “Laughing Baby” along with “Snuggling Infant” and “Playful Boys”. She feared it would take a lifetime for the initial printing to sell out. To her astonishment the prints sold quickly, and she has been filling orders ever since.
“I am a simple person with a God-given gift,” says Jean. “I am humbled and grateful that He has allowed me- with my pencil and paper- to help Him lift, comfort and inspire. I pray my simple drawings reflect the simplicity of His life and message- that He loves and cares for each one of us perfectly. I testify that Jesus Christ is our Savior and truest friend!”

Read more about Jean's beliefs here: Artist's Beliefs